Sudan Democracy Action Project

Capacity Building Workshops: Effective Communication with the International Community

Online Workshop Series: Effective Communication with the International Community


The program aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of participants in areas of communication with the international community, such as project proposal writing, organizational identity development, and advocacy fundamentals. This workshop is designed to engage participants through interactive sessions, practical exercises, and discussions led by experts in these fields.

Course Structure and Duration

The workshops were held in September 2024, and the program lasted for 21 days.

  • Format: The workshop spanned several days, with each day dedicated to specific topics such as communication strategies, advocacy, and organizational development. It included interactive sessions, practical exercises, and discussions led by experts.
  • Key Components:The workshop featured an integrated approach, combining theoretical knowledge with practical application. Key components included presentations, group discussions, case study analysis, and practical exercises in proposal writing and communication strategy development. The workshop featured an integrated approach, combining theoretical knowledge with practical application. The key components included presentations, group discussions, case study analysis, and practical exercises in proposal writing and communication strategy development.
  • Assignments and Tasks: During the workshop days, participants were assigned tasks related to the workshop content. These tasks were then reviewed by the workshop facilitator, who provided individual feedback to each participant on how to improve their work.
  • Guidance and Review Sessions: Individual sessions were held with the workshop facilitator for all participants to discuss the tasks, how to improve them, and clarify any shortcomings.  

Impact and Outcomes:

A total of 30 participants were selected, representing a diverse group of actors, professionals, and civil society members. The participants showed significant improvement in strategic planning, communication with donors, project proposal writing, fundamentals of international communication, and organizational development.

Acquired Skills:
  • Fundamental Knowledge: Participants gained a deeper understanding of the principles of international communication, donor attraction strategies, and organizational development concepts. They enhanced their knowledge of international dynamics and best practices in communication and advocacy.
  • Practical Skills: Participants developed practical skills in project proposal writing, crafting compelling narratives, and effective communication with international stakeholders. They also enhanced their abilities in strategic planning and organizational identity development.

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